Getting the source

  1. git clone

Project Structure

your directory should look like this Structure: project-structure

Let's take a deeper look

This is your project file . it holds the settings for your project .Project files contain all the information required by qmake to build your application, library, or plugin.

the lines below tells the Qmake to include these modules .

QT += quick quickcontrols2

QT += qml webview

QT += sql

QT += network

The CONFIG variable is another special variable that qmake uses when generating a Makefile.

CONFIG += c++11

SOURCES variables are used to tell qmake about source files in the same directory as the project file. In our case we have main.ccp , dbmanager.cpp , model.cpp

SOURCES += main.cpp \ dbmanager.cpp \ model.cpp

HEADERS vairable are used to tell qmake about header files in the same directory as the projet file . In our case we have dbmanager.h , model.h

HEADERS += \ dbmanager.h \ model.h

RESOURCES variable tells A list of resource (.rc) files to be included in the final project.

RESOURCES += qml.qrc

To learn more about the project files (.pro) visit :

Header files
